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Worship Team

Developing spiritual leaders!  

Supporting students in discovering their gifts, talents, and passions is integral to our mission: "Where Everybody is Somebody and Jesus is All!" Our Worship Team is a fantastic place for students to explore and cultivate their innate abilities. Whether on stage or behind the scenes on the tech team, students are challenged to acquire new skills, lead, and experience personal growth.

We welcome all students to join, regardless of whether they're novices or seasoned performers. Our team comprises musicians, vocalists, computer technicians, lighting experts, and audio technicians. In addition to leading worship during chapel, our team also manages the technical aspects of chapel sessions, including lighting and sound.

There's a place for everyone eager to delve deeper into the realm of worship and to utilize their evolving talents in serving others.

Our High School Worship Team practices before school 2-3 days per week. 

Students are involved in all aspects of chapel including: 
• Worship (Vocal & Instrumental)
• Sound
• Lighting
• Video & Video Editing
• Announcements & Public Speaking
• Film 

The ownership students have over chapel not only strengthens and enhances chapel but it helps develop skills, talents, and gifts in our students.