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9th - 12th Grades

Accredited through Cognia since 2006, our rigorous college preparatory curriculum is designed to create an academically well-rounded student by encouraging critical thinking skills. Students are required to meet or exceed the state standards in the core subjects while also experiencing a diverse curriculum built on a foundation of faith.

Not only will students receive quality instruction in the core subjects of math, English, social science, and science, but also courses covering Bible, economics, second language, art, marketing, ensemble, dual credit, and more. We have a one-of-a-kind, physical education and athletics program that equips students with the knowledge and experience they need for maintaining lifelong healthy practices. 

Students’ academic progress is tracked through a combination of in-class summative and formative assessments, as well as the PSAT. The PSAT is administered to 9th through 11th grade students each fall. Juniors begin our in-house SAT prep courses utilizing their PSAT scores in preparation for our in-house SAT testing, which takes place in the spring.

With a graduation rate of 100% we see our students thrive in colleges and universities all across the nation and abroad, with 90% of our students pursuing higher education. Our faith-based approach to instruction adds depth and strength to each subject and encourages students to grow in their personal convictions and beliefs. Utilizing our Christ-centered approach to education, students find strength in their enhanced understanding of the world around them.