Wait Pool

Horizon Christian School utilizes Wait Pools when the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of seats available in a grade level. As spaces become available, we will refer to our Wait Pool and select students based on a variety of admissions criteria.
Please Note: Wait Pools do not carry over from one year to the next, as each January we start with fresh applicants.
Frequently asked Questions REGARDING OUR WAIT POOL:
To be considered for admission, and to be added to our Wait Pool, applications must be submitted in their entirety. This includes submitting all required attachable documentation with the application, and for 6th - 12th grade students, the required references must be received. A student may be placed in the Wait Pool prior to, or after an interview/assessment meeting has taken place, depending on when the classroom capacity is reached. You will receive communication if your student has been placed in a Wait Pool. Students will remain in the Wait Pool until a spot becomes available, at which point you will be contacted to proceed to the next step. (A $35 non-refundable application fee is charged when your application is submitted.)
No. Applicants may find themselves at various stages of the admissions process when we need to start utilizing Wait Pools. Therefore, students may be place in a Wait Pool with or without an interview having already taken place. However, we do require a fully submitted application with all required documentation, as mentioned above.
Our Wait Pools are sorted based on criteria that includes the following:
* Reenrollments
* Staff and faculty-student applications
* Siblings of current students
* All other applicants
As space becomes available, all Wait Pool candidates are individually reconsidered using the same process as applied to the initial review or interview, if a student got that far in the admissions process. The Enrollment Director and school administrators will discuss applicants and make decisions.
Initial Wait Pool openings, if any, are determined once a grade level is full. In past years, additional openings have become available when there are changes in a student’s plans to attend Horizon Christian or when families move from the area. It is possible for a Wait Pool candidate to be invited for admission as late as August or even September. If your child is selected from the Wait Pool, you will receive communication from the Admission Office to move forward in the admissions process.
The $35 Application Fee is non-refundable and is used to cover the cost of the online application provider utilized by Horizon Christian School.
Normally our Enrollment Fee is non-refundable. However, if you get to the step of submitting an enrollment packet, and in the meantime, we have reached capacity in that grade level, you will not be charged the enrollment fee.
If class capacity is reached, and you have not yet reenrolled, your student will be added to our Wait Pool when your reenrollment is completed, including setting up your FACTS payment plan for the next school year. Students will remain in the Wait Pool until a spot becomes available, at which point you will be contacted to proceed to the next step. A reenrollment fee will only be charged if your student is removed from the Wait Pool and is able to enroll.